Michel Noorenberghe Occupational Profile

Michel Noorenberghe Occupational Profile

File No. 34.080
Present Address: Ekestraat 17, Gijverinkhove, Belgium.
2. Age: 21
3. Single
4. Citizenship: Belgium
5. Religion: R.C.
6. No. accompanying dependents: -
7. Name, address, and relationship of nearest relative who will be remaining in country of birth, citizenship, or permanent residence:
Father: Henri Noorenberghe (address same as #1)
8. Education: a) Primary [8] years
d) Final standing obtained: Primary education
9. Practical Training: None
10. Employment
a) Present occupation: Farm Worker 4.00.90
No. years employed: 7
b) Previous occupation(s): -
c) Intended occupation in Canada: Farm Worker 4.00.90
d) Placement area preferred: London, Ont.
11. Qualifications Papers: (Blank)
12. Languages:
Flemish Spoken: Good Written: Good
(chosen out of good/fair/poor)
13. I have represented that I am a qualified: Farm Worker
Date: 31 Mar. 55
14 a) Destination in Canada: LONDON.ONT
b) Ship: "SAXONIA"
Sailing Date: 20.4.1955
Port of Arrival: MONTREAL.P.Q.
15. Visa Granted: K.K.1525 on 7.4.1955
16. Visa Office: Brussels.Belgium. F.200
Port of Arrival MONTREAL.P.Q.
Destination Office: Department of Citizenship and Immigration
Room 632, Dominion Public Building, 457, Richmond Street. LONDON.ONT.


Good general farm hand. Migrating with younger brother. Interested in tobacco but can do any farming.
Personal effects only.

Media object
Michel Noorenberghe Occupational Profile (Front)
Michel Noorenberghe Occupational Profile (Front)
Media object
Michel Noorenberghe Occupational Profile (Back)
Michel Noorenberghe Occupational Profile (Back)
Last change
March 16, 201906:59:18
Author of last change: mnoorenberghe
Unique identifier
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Given names Surname Age Given names Surname Age Marriage Place Last change
Media objects
Media Title Individuals Families Sources Last change
Title Individuals Families Media objects Sources Last change